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University of California, Irvine

Graduated June 2024

  • B.S. Computer Science
  • B.S. Business Information Management

View Coursework



Software Development

Production Engineer @ Meta

July 2024 - Present

  • Network AI Infra

Software Engineer Intern @ Personable Inc.

March 2024 - June 2024

  • ScanWriter Product

Software Engineer Intern @ University of California

July 2022 - July 2023

  • Student Welcome Website

Software Quality Assurance Engineer Intern @ Zoom

July 2021 - September 2021

  • Zoom Event Conference

Fun Side Hustles

Media Production Intern @ University of California

June 2022 - August 2022

  • Event Photography and Video Production

Academic Technology Assistant @ University of California

September 2021 - December 2021

  • Hybrid Classroom IT Support

Other Experiences

Campus Expert @ GitHub

October 2021 - June 2024

  • Technical Community Leader

Production Engineering Fellow @ Major League Hacking

June 2023 - September 2023

  • Reliable and Scalable Technology

Personal Projects

• Acquired over 15,000 users from over 60 countries.

View Projects

Honors & Awards

Chancellor’s Award of Distinction

Most Outstanding Undergraduates @ University of California, Irvine

Billy Steckler Endowed Scholarship

Merit-based Scholarship @ University of California, Irvine

Distinguished Anteater Award & Scholarship

Merit-based Scholarship @ University of California, Irvine

Apple WWDC Swift Student Challenge Winner 2023

Programming Contest @ Apple Inc.

Apple WWDC Swift Student Challenge Winner 2021

Programming Contest @ Apple Inc.

1st Place Hack in Community Empowerment

HooHacks @ University of Virginia

The Matterhorn Award (2nd Place Hack)

VTHacks @ Virginia Tech

Best Design & Best Presentation

Demo Day @

Intel Excellence in Computer Science Award

Intel Corporation