CollegePal is your machine learning powered academic counselor.
Explore Colleges
With its user-friendly interface, you can effortlessly browse, filter, and view colleges to find your perfect fit.
With Grid
With List
With Filters
- Type: Public, Private
- Year: 4, 2
- Setting: City, Urban, Suburban, Rural
- Selectivity: Very Selective, Selective, Less Selective
College Detail
- Tags
- Top Majors
- Description
- Acceptance Rate, Graduation Rate, Tuition, Enrollment, Location
- Data comparing to national average
Go through CollegePal’s application checklist to have a clear understanding of all the components of your application, their respective importance, and helpful tips for each item.
Find My Fit
What sets CollegePal apart is its advanced machine learning capabilities. By using AI technology, CollegePal provides personalized recommendations for reach, match, and safety schools based on your self-evaluation.
User Self Evaluation
Machine Learning Result
- Programming Language: Swift
- Libraries: SwiftUI, CoreML
- Public Domain Images: All college images are from Wikipedia Commons.
- Public Domain Dataset: All college data is from Common Data Set.